Category Archives: plants

  • Ivy Story


    I was one of those June brides. It was 1967 and everything went fine the first three days – then I got sick – really, really sick, and off to the doctor we went. Three weeks later, my health restored, we left the hospital to restart our life with a six-inch pot of pothos ivy in tow. That ivy will be fourty-six years old this month, June, 2013. Several years earlier, my friend’s mother told me their ivy was twenty-five […]

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  • The Dog Made Me Do It

    The dog made me do it — go green that is. I re-cycle and replace with energy saving bulbs and buy energy star appliances — but I’m not going to be nominated for any awards. There are plenty of tips and publicity about conserving, re-using, and being a good Shepard of our earth. Speaking of Shepard, we have a Collie dog that after several years of being penned, was allowed to run free. He dug several holes in the yard, […]

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